We went out with Dr. John Graves yesterday to try and catch young-of-the-year bluefin tuna. We just go offshore and troll little Clark spoons that you would use to catch Spanish mackerel. We did managed to catch a bluefin eventually but all of these wahoo kept getting in the way. In addition to the little spoons, we had a couple of ballyhoo/Ilander combinations back behind everything off of the riggers. The wahoo bite was very good. We started around 40 fathoms SE of the Cigar. The wahoo were thick. We trolled on north to try and find the bluefin and found more wahoo. Plenty of hoos from the 41050 to the 41150, 30 to 40 fathoms. On our monofilament surface baits, we boated 5 hoos, got bit off numerous times, pulled hooks and so on. Probably 20 or so wahoo bites. Had 3 blue marlin come in and look but no bites. We also caught a half dozen or so dolphin. Wes Blow caught his first two-ever wahoo. Both weighed for citations. His first wahoo was our largest of the day at 63 pounds.
Dave Trax on the Oblivian was fishing the same area and they were targeting wahoo. The last count I heard from them was 15 boated.
- 6th