Morning Trout

Stan Simmerman took me back after speckled trout this morning. The bite was slower and the grass was worse than our last trip. It was also a lot dryer. We missed and lost a few fish. We held onto 5 speckled trout, a bluefish, a croaker, and a spot. I caught 4 speckled trout, the bluefish, the croaker, and the spot. Stan caught the biggest trout. I guess that makes him more efficient.

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Sheepish Morning

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Wet Trout

Stan Simmerman took me out in the rain today. We got wet. We also caught 8 speckled trout, including 2 over 20 inches long, a puppy drum, and a bluefish. For some reason, we never saw another boat.
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Had some speckled trout action this morning.

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Little Cobia

Didn’t plan on fishing this morning but it looked calm when I got up so I went. Caught some shark and 4 cobia before it got too rough.

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My dental assistant, Meghan Wells, asked me to take her father fishing. So, I took her father fishing. Michael Wells caught sheepshead to 10.8 pounds. I made sure that none of those pesty oyster toads interrupted his sheepshead fishing.

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Fat Girl

I went cobia fishing with @Stan Simmerman this morning. We tagged and released 3 cobia. We missed a handful of runs and I pulled off a couple of medium-sized cobia right before the net. Today, the big one did not get away. Stan got himself a fat girl.

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Angry Trout

It is good to be back home. I spent the week on Long Island at the MAFMC meeting. While I was gone, the trout seem to have become angry. They were trying to absolutely destroy the topwater plug this morning. I managed to hang on to 9 trout up to 23 inches long. Managed to lose the largest.
I was fighting one trout and had it close to the boat when this brown thing with wings just came in an ate it. That was a first for me. I wasn’t going to chase that ray all around the shallows so I clamped down on the spool hoping the hooks would pull. They didn’t. It got my trout and my lure.
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Tagging Cobia

Ran out this morning with @Stan Simmerman and his nephew, Scotty. Scotty had never caught a cobia before. Now he has caught several. We got tags in 9 cobia and were home for lunch.
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Sunrise on Top

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