Roger Burnley has a new world record. His 4 pound 6 ounce Spinycheek Scorpionfish has been approved as the All-Tackle World Record by The International Game Fish Association. Roger was fishing at the Norfolk Canyon onboard the Healthy Grin.
This is the second IGFA All-Tackle World Record caught on the Healthy Grin this year. Johnny Boyd established the All-Tackle World Record for Carolina Hake earlier this year with a 5 pound 10 ounce fish. A total of twelve IGFA All-Tackle World Records have been set on the Healthy Grin.
Roger has caught three of the Healthy Grin world-record fish. In addition to his Spinycheek Scorpionfish, Roger has set the world record for snowy grouper twice and he holds the current Snowy Grouper IGFA All-Tackle World Record at 70 pounds 7 ounces.
- Roger Burnley, World Record Spinycheek Scorpionfish