Blue Marlin and Mystery Orange Fish

We went to try live-baiting for white marlin yesterday. While catching chub mackerel, we caught an orange fish…another one. We have been through the blackbelly rosefish and Darwin’s Slimehead (set All-Tackle World Records for both, since retired) and have a pending IGFA record for Spineycheek Scorpionfish. This was none of those.


We caught plenty of chub mackerel to bridle up for bait and managed to not catch any white marlin. We had a couple hooked up but lost them and managed to not hook others. We did catch a blue marlin and 2 of 4 big hammerheads that ate our marlin baits.


Jason Schratwieser, Conservation Director of the IGFA and Virginia Beach native came up with our fish’s id: Deepbody Boarfish. The fish is being donated to the Virginia Institute of Marine Science for their fish collection.

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