Big Tautog and Sea Bass 4-12-14

The tautog bite on the inshore wrecks and inside the Chesapeake Bay has turned on like a light switch so we ran out into the ocean for tautog; hunting for that world record. I thought we had it. The first tog of the morning looked huge. I thought that it was going to be significantly heavier than my state record fish. I told the guys that it was going to be a short day and to catch them up while I weighed and measured this fish. I was brought back to reality when the fish only taped out at 31 inches. It still looked huge, must be a faulty tape measure. Hung it on the boat scale and it weighed 21 pounds, really big but not as big as we thought. The guys did not believe the scale and guessed at least 24 pounds. We kept fishing and back at the dock that evening, it weighed 20 pounds 8 ounces. It was joined by Stan Simmerman’s 11 pound 8 ounce tog, Charles Southall’s first ever weight-citation tog at 12 pounds 8 ounces, and Phillip Neill’s fist tog citation also at 12 pounds 8 ounces. We only caught 5 tautog all day but 4 of them weighed double digits. We also caught some really big sea bass that we had to release.  We did not catch as many as you would think with as many of the things that were down there as this video shows:

We were using whole crabs as bait to try to avoid the sea bass but they like to eat crabs too.

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