Tautog Today

Wes Blow and I started the day tolling for bluefin tuna. We found thick bait, birds, and whales from 2 miles to 6 miles off of the beach. No tuna bites but Wes did catch a gannet on a pink Ilander. We anchored up on a wreck and caught 14 tautog plus some sea bass. One of the sea bass and three of the tautog had already been tagged. We tagged others, collecting DNA samples from each tog. Wes caught our largest tog of the day. It weighed in at 10 pounds 8 ounces. We were using clam, shrimp, and frozen green crab. We caught fish on all of it with the clam being the best bait.

While we were togging, Charles and Hunter Southall were in the Elizabeth River. They caught 5 speckled trout to 23.5 inches long.

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