No Drum Last Night

The forecast for yesterday was great. I met Wes and Hunter at Messick for my first trip in Wes’ new boat. Stiff breeze at the ramp. We went anyway. Big chop in the bay, we kept going anyway. Fisherman’s Island Inlet was all messed up with a confused surf with wind and current opposite of each other. We tried to fish anyway, for a little bit. Sitting side-to in those big waves was not fun. Lines got all tangled up, nothing would sit right. Caught a dog shark and a big spider crab that was tangled in about 3 lines (now cut that need to be re-rigged). There was one other boat out there when we got there. They left soon after we set up. It was too dark to see who they were. We quit and made the long run back. By the time we got back, there was not a breath of wind. We picked the one rough time of the whole day to try and fish. I think this is about the 4th similar trip on Wes’ new boat. He needs a good one soon or he may have to go get another boat.

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