Triangles Saturday

Saturday we went to the Triangle Reef area. We were after bluefish. It was rough as a cob. We ran into some fish between the navy buoy and the Triangles. We caught one and had a couple of bite offs as the guys cast Storms to them. Went on out to the Triangles where we never really got into the bluefish well. We dropped down on the wrecks and they were loaded with sea bass. A lot of fish, not very large, but plenty of keepers. Our largest was probably about 3 pounds. Periodically, we would bring up parts of sea bass and then would break out the jigs and catch a bluefish or two and then go back to catching sea bass. The bluefish we caught were in the 12 to 14 pound range. We did not see any bluefin tuna but it was very rough. Boats encountered them in the area on Sunday. We did catch a few spiny dogfish but they were not too bad.

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