
Stan Simmerman took me speckled trout fishing this morning. We caught grey trout, silver perch, bluefish, sea robin, and a grunt. The speck bite was slow. It seemed especially slow for me. Stan caught 5 speckled trout including a citation-sized fish while I was sitting on zero. It was apparent that my job was to net and photograph his fish. The net he supplied for me to use had the handle break off on his citation fish. I had to lunge to catch the loop of the net to get his fish. I was amazing. Stan said we would try one more spot before heading in. I actually caught a nice trout before we quit so we stayed a little longer and I caught a nicer trout. I finished strong and we actually had a decent catch on a slow morning. I caught 4 of our 11 trout but they were all nice with 3 being over 20 inches long including the biggest of the day. Stan disputes this but I have photos of both citation fish on a ruler. All of our fish were 18-25 inches long with 4 being over 20 and two being citations. Stan pulled off a really big fish but we did pretty good on our hookup to landing percentage especially considering we were using a net with no handle.

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