“Huge” Trout

I went fishing for speckled trout this morning. I missed some, pulled off a couple and caught five.
I get excited catching most any fish from spot to blue marlin. A big speckled trout gets me going as much as any. So, when the fish hit like a freight train and fought like a devil, I admit that I probably got overly worked up. I finally got the fish close enough to see that it wasn’t a drum or a rockfish but rather a huge speckled trout. It had no intention of getting in the landing net. If there had been a witness, he may have heard me talking to…begging the fish: “please get in the net, I’ll let you go, I just want to tag you”. At my 3rd failed attempt, I could see that only one tine of a single treble hook was barely holding in the monster’s lip. I knew the hook was going to pull. I may have brought in God at that point, offered him my first born if he would let me catch this fish.
The hook pulled…just as the fish swam into the net. It was huge, 28 inches long, maybe even 29!
I think that I need a new tape measure. Mine said that the fish was 24-inches. Still, very happy to have gotten it. Beautiful fish that I was very fortunate to catch. True to my word, I released the fish after tagging it.
Now, I have to tell my son to stop planning his wedding and that he has to become a priest. I’m sure his fiancé will understand. The fish was huge…really big…it was a nice trout.
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